A Group of Plants Where Pollen Is Stored in Flowers
Crossword "The Earth"
1. The Mississippi River is in this continent.
2. The capital of India.
3. A European country. Its flag is red and yellow.
5. The capital of Italy.
6. There is a maple leaf on the flag of this country.
9. The largest country in the world.
11. The smallest ocean.
12. This ocean is between Great Britain and the USA.
13. The capital of France.
15. The capital of Spain.
17. People speak this language in Egypt.
18. One of the longest rivers in the world.
4. It forms a continent together with Asia.
7. The capital of Egypt.
8. A hot continent.
10. A continent and a country.
13. The largest ocean.
14. The capital of this country is Hanoi.
16. A European country that looks like a boot on the map.
19. This language is spoken in India.
20. The capital of Germany.
21. The capital of Great Britain.
Answer Key
Crossword puzzle "Geography"
the direction from which the sun rises
a large island which is both a country and a continent
the world's second largest ocean
an imaginary line drawn round the world halfway between its most northern and southern points
the direction which is on the left of a person facing the rising sun
the world's smallest ocean, often covered with ice
the land mass which lies east of the Ural mountains and includes China, Mongolia and other countries
the part of the world which includes France, Germany, Italy and other countries
one of the two points at the very top or bottom of the planet, or the cold area around it
the direction which is on the right of a person facing the rising sun
the continent mostly covered with ice
the direction towards which the sun sets
a name of two continents, which is also used for the US
the larger part of this continent is situated between the tropics
the third largest ocean in the world
the planet on which we live
the world's largest ocean
Answer Key
Crossword puzzle "Plants"
the watery juice carrying food, chemical products, etc., through a plant
a round root of certain plants, e.g. tulips
a small soft fruit, usually with seeds
a sharp point that sticks out from the stem of a plant
a tree or plant that does not lose its leaves in winter
the leaves of a plant or tree
a dry fruit with a seed inside a hard shell
one of the coloured parts around the centre of a flower
the strong outer covering of a tree
the flower of a fruit tree or bush or a mass of such flowers on a tree
a plant used for adding flavour to food or in medicine
a small very thin branch from a tree or bush
a sticky substance that comes from some trees
a thin leafless curling part of some plants that joins onto things and helps to support the plant
a very common plant with thin green leaves that covers the ground
an unwanted wild plant which prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly
a green plant with leaves shaped like feathers and no flowers
a young tightly rolled-up flower or leaf before it opens
a low bush with several woody stems
a seed of various plants, especially one from which food or drink can be made, e.g. coffee or cocoa
flat green part of a plant that is joined to its stem or branch
the part of a plant that grows into the soil in search of food and water
the sweet liquid collected by bees from flowers
the part of a plant, often beautiful and coloured, that produces seeds or fruit
a powder produced by flowers which is carried by wind or insects to other flowers so that they can produce new seeds
the nut of the oak tree
the central part of a plant above the ground
a part of a tree that grows from its trunk
the fruit of a pine of fir tree
a tall plant with a wooden trunk and branches that lives for many years
part of a tree or bush that contains seeds and is often eaten for its sweet flesh
a long narrow seed container of various plants, e.g. beans or peas
a very small object, produced by some plants, e.g. ferns, and able to develop into a new plant
a plant that is grown for food, e.g. cabbage or carrot
a small hard object produced by most plants, from which a new plant can grow, and which is used for planting
a very thin sharp leaf that grows on some trees, e.g. pines and firs
Crossword Puzzle "In the City"
1. A place where people stay when they are ill or injured.
2. A large open area with buildings around it.
3. A building where people can see collections of pictures, sculptures or other things.
4. A large building where people watch sports.
5. A large and important church.
6. Part of a road that goes over a river.
7. An open area with grass and a lot of trees.
8. A building where people watch plays.
9. A small restaurant where people can get cheap meals.
10. A place where children learn.
11. A road in a town or city with houses along it.
12. A large beautiful building where kings and queens live.
13. A large place where people can see wild animals.
14. A statue of an important person in a public place.
15. A building where tourists stay when they come to a city.
16. A building where people watch films.
17. A place where students study.
18. A very large shop that sells food and other things.
19. A large building with thick walls that protected people in the past from enemies.
20. A place where people keep their money.
21. A place where people can read or borrow books.
A Group of Plants Where Pollen Is Stored in Flowers
Source: https://infourok.ru/krossvordi-na-angliyskom-dlya-razvitiya-pamyati-i-znaniy-2609687.html
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